Fifty years ago Martin Luther King Jr. was in Washington because he had a dream. That dream was equality for all. While progress has been made, still in America not everyone is considered or treated equal. Not only are people still judged by the color of their skin, their religion, who they love, by their ability or disability and their social class but we have a nation that also practices prejudice and discrimination against animals. Throughout this country laws are enacted and enforced that promote prejudice and discrimination against Pit Bull type dogs and other breeds. My dream is that one day there will be no prejudice or discrimination anywhere in America, no American will be homeless or hungry, that one day we will not be euthanizing millions of homeless animals and there will be no such thing as animal cruelty or human violence. I Thank You President Obama for speaking out against Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) for now you have brought one of my dreams closer to reality. This is a victory for the animals!